Friday, November 21, 2008

What to expect from this blog...

Ok, I think about music a LOT! I mean there are people out there who loves to watch TV and movies, play video games, talk on the phone etc. Well I love to listen to music!

I mean take tonight for instance. It was a perfect night to watch my all time FAVORITE movie 'Brown Sugar' [which ironically is about music?], but what did I do? I started bumpin an artist I was just introduced to by the name of YahZarah [check her out!] as well as The Foreign Exchange [who gave a great performance tonight at Chapel Hill! And listening to new tracks out on the web. I mean, I just can't help myself.

So with that being said, I need to pay more attention to my music blog! I don't have many followers because I don't post anything! So this will be my way of expressing myself as well as informing the masses about what's going on in music.

Now just for clarification, I have a Neo-Soul SHOW but I'm not necessarily a Neo-Soul DJ!
That means, just because I only play Neo-Soul on my show doesn't mean that's all I listen to or care about.

So anyway, in addition to the photos I'm going to put up about the different people I meet or concerts I attend, I'll probably do album reviews; I already have an album countdown up; I'll post my 'musical epiphanies' which could be something crazy I thought about, something new I've learned, or when I've figured out where an artist 'borrowed' lyrics or a producer sampled a song; and/or put artists that I've stumbled upon on BLAST! [And I'll probably start with YahZarah].

So sit back and get ready!!

Live Life! Dream Big! Stay Blessed!

[Creatively Entertaining Others!]

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